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Arcademan: In the Cards...
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 10: Chapitre X
(by Arcademan, added on 2005-07-17 13:34:37 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

This chapter contains descriptions of extreme violence and is NOT
intended to be read by anyone under the age of 13...

Sakura Kinomoto flew after Destrux who had finally laid to rest on
the ground far away from where the fight originated, her main concern
was getting the archmage away from the fallen Parrillusia. However
she could see that he was already recovering from her abrupt attack.

"You show promise, young Cardcaptor." said Destrux in his usual
monotone voice smacking of evil. "Now we'll see if you can take it as
well as you can dish it out!" On that note, Destrux lept up from the
ground and charged Sakura who dodged him at the last instant.


The air became foggy almost instantly as Sakura decided to go on the


Sakura leaps high into the sky above the fog and spots Destrux...


A wolf-shaped figure rumbles with power and discharges a powerful
bolt of lightning...

But to Sakura's dismay Destrux seemingly dodges the bolt of lightning
with ease and jumps up to meet her.


As Sakura attempts to fly to dodge the villain, he grabs her left
ankle and slowly pulls her down by sheer weight. Suddenly Destrux
pulls himself face-to-face with Sakura and with a right hook decks
her in the face. The wings that help her fly disappear as a blinding
rush of pain fills her soul and both figures begin to fall hard and
fast down to the ground. At the last possible moment, Sakura pulls
out another card...


It slows her down a little but fails to stop their freefall. Both
crash into the unforgiving ground. Sakura's world begins to go dark
however Destrux gets up as though the freefall had no effect on his

"Ah...are you hurt, little girl?" mocked the archmage. "It really
sucks being you!!!" as he picked up the dazed teenager by her neck
and promptly threw a series of punches at her defenseless body: a
series of body blows and face shots until she was barely conscious
and slumped back to the ground, blood and bruises covering her body
and face. Her costume ripped up by the assault was already soaked and
stained by the large amounts of blood oozing from her body. The final
humiliation was a hard kick to the ribs and Sakura cried out in
extreme pain.

Destrux then pulls out his anti-energy gun. "Time to die,
Cardcaptor!" Then he took aim and squeezed the trigger. Out of
instincts and sheer desperation Sakura pulls out a card...


The energy beams bounce off the erected shield and this enrages

"Why put off what will will eventually happen?" He then pulls out his
sword and strikes the shield surrounding the wounded, semi-conscious
girl, with each stroke, the shield cracks and then finally shatters.

Before Sakura can react, Destrux grabs her right arm, the one that
holds her staff and squeezes her arm until the hideous sound of bone
snapping and another blood-curling scream comes from Sakura. She
falls once again to the ground as Destrux holds her star staff in his
hands and starts to bend it in his hands.

"Without your precious staff, you truly are defenseless. Watch as I
break it in half." But as he attempted to do so, the staff glowed in
mystic energy, as though in protest of what was going to happen and
without warning to Destrux, repels his force. The following backlash
blasts him back as the staff flies back to Sakura and she uses it to
stand herself back up.

"Must...confuse...him. Try t-to escape..." With a weak voice she
calls out the card in her hand...


As the walls of a maze start to rise from the earth to surround
Destrux, he fired his gun one time before completely being engulfed
by the magick maze. Sakura falls to the ground...a stillness
befitting death shows...

INTERLUDE: Tomoeda, Japan...

"Why did she go without us?!!" yelled Syaoran Li as his attempt to
surprise Sakura by arriving a week earlier than planned didn't work

"Back off, brat!" snorted Kero. "I'll turn into Keroberus and then
you'll be sorry!!!"

Syaoran stuck his nose up at Kero, who in her present state looked like a
stuffed teddy bear. "How could you let her take off without any back-
up. You should've called us, you stuffed creep!"

Tomoyo stepped between the two arguing. "Li...Kero. Please stop. I
know Sakura since we started second grade...I trust her completely.
All we can do is wait for her to return." The mirror-Sakura nodded
her head in complete agreement.

Suddenly...without warning, the Sakura double screamed out loud and
fell down on the bed. As the others rushed to her, she muttered...

"The Mistress of the Cards...she's dying!!! AAAAAAAAAA!!!" and she
fades out of existance.

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