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Arcademan: In the Cards...
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 12: Chapitre XII
(by Arcademan, added on 2005-07-17 13:40:11 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

The wall of the maze that had trapped Destrux began to fade away,
freeing him. He looked on the ground where Sakura Kinomoto laid.

"Interesting. The maze disappeared because she has indeed died so her
magic couldn't hold me anymore. A valiant yet futile effort from the
Cardcaptor. There will be a footnote of this battle once I've taken
over the world and rewrite history."
Destrux said to himself.

As he walked towards the fallen girl, he hears a whoosh of air. He
turns and spots a streak of gold and crimson approaching him like a

"It's Arcademan. He has returned."

Destrux slowly reaches to his holster for his gun.

"Why am I doing this? At the speed he's coming there's no way I can
get a shot off at him."

The streaking figure get closer. A loud boom begins to echo as
Destrux fully pulls out his gun and begins to raise it.

"Sonic boom. He's closer. I see him coming but there's no chance of
me dodging the blow."

For the split moment, the two look deeply at each other. Impact is
less than one-tenth second. Destrux aims and begins to squeeze the

"I'm too late and now I'll pay the price."

"CRASH!!!" Arcademan slams into Destrux at a rate of over 600 miles
per hour. The impact sends the archmage flying into a tree, imploding
upon the impact however Arcademan follows up with a series of
punches...nothing held back.

"You heartless bastard!!! You want GOT me!!!" as the
enraged hero continued his assault.

"Get the HELL off me!!!" Destrux grabs Arcademan's right arm and
flips him over however he lands on his feet. It's then Destrux
notices a change in his enemy.

"What's wrong, Destrux? Scared?!! You should be!!!" Upon looking at
Arcademan, he saw the once bright red, yellow and blue costume has
become a much darker shade, almost dark and forbidding.

"Looks like I pushed him over to the side of Darkness. Damn! It's too
soon. Looks like I'll have to kill him off after all. He's beyond

Destrux pulls out his anti-energy gun and blasts Arcademan blank
range in the chest. He staggers back but then a twin blast of heat
rays from Arcademan's eyes strikes the gun, causing it to explode in
Destrux' hand. He falls down as the hero moves him what appears to be
for the kill.

Parrillusia meanwhile had made her way outside and saw the battle. He
also saw Arcademan slowly reaching to his back where he kept the
Sunblade, a sword of great power and forbidding evil.

"Arcademan!!! Don't touch the sword!!! Your darkness will manifest
itself and you'll be evil once more!!!" shouted the pixie.

Arcademan hesitated as he turned to Parrillusia. Destrux quickly got
up and started to run.

"Arcademan...if I were you, I'd check on your little friend. You'll
find her quite dead!" mocked Destrux as he teleported away from the

Indeed, Arcademan turned and saw Sakura Kinomoto lying lifeless on
the ground.

"Dear God in Heaven!!! What have I done?!!" said the grief-stricken
hero as he hurried over to her as Parrillusia also approached their
fallen comrade.
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