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Arcademan: In the Cards...
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 2: Chapitre II
(by Arcademan, added on 2005-07-17 13:13:00 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Sakura's sudden scream wakes Kero from his blissful sleep. He looks
over to her.

"Told you not to eat too much always gives you nightmares,
kiddo..." But as Kero flew over to the bed, he knew something was
terribly wrong as Sakura continued to shake as though she was scared
out of her mind.

"Sakura!!! What's wrong?!! Speak to me!!! It's me...Kero!!!"

Sakura slowly turned her head towards Kero and then, like snapping
out of a trance opened her eyes.

"Kero!!! I had a bad dream...well, it started out good but then became a nightmare...I..." she stuttered a bit, sounding confused.

"Slow down, kiddo!" said Kero. "Tell me what you remember."

She tells him about her dreams about school and Syaoran Li then about
the nightmare with Destrux and the two heroes. Kero gave Sakura a
puzzled look.

"Sounds to me like someone someone was trying to send you a message,
Sakura and chose to do it through your sub-conscious."

"You could be right, Kero. After all, it was Arcademan and we have
teamed up a few times in the past but it's been over three years since
I've seen or heard from him. I got the impression he could handle
anything but he and his pixie friend Parrillusia looked like they
were about to die. I need to investigate it and find out what's going

Back in the Arcademan Universe, Arcademan and Parrillusia began to
get the upper hand on the shadow beings.

"We got them on the run, PixieP! Let's finish this off!" Arcademan
began to power up with intense energy. As Parrillusia used a spell of
containment to gathered all the beings, Arcademan shouts


The blast of energy instantly vaporize every shadow being.
Afterwards, Arcademan falls to his knees, totally drained of his

"Damn! Shouldn't have done that...especially with Destrux lurking
about. This is exactly what he was waiting weaken so he
could get the upper hand." Then he spotted a figure floating over
him...the archmage Destrux.

"This way only the prelude to what ultimately will be your
destruction, Arcademan." Then he turned to Parrillusia. "Ah...I
haven't forgotten about you, my little faerie. I'll be sending you to
pixie hell soon enough."

An enraged Parrillusia charges up and shoots a bolt of lightning at
Destrux however he fades away before the bolt strikes him.

"That bastard!!! He'll get his soon enough! I swear!!!" Then she
turns to Arcademan and helps him to his feet, none the worse for wear.

"PixieP...I fear that Destrux is just toying with us. We must prepare
for the worse. At least you can safely retreat back to the higher
plane of existance while I defend the world from Darkness." said a
solemn Arcademan.

Parrillusia gave Arcademan a mystic potion to restore part of his
strength and said "I am not leaving your side. Retreat is NOT an

"I hope we can get some help in our upcoming battle because we're
going to need it." answered back Arcademan.
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