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Arcademan: In the Cards...
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 23: Chapitre XXIII
(by Arcademan, added on 2005-07-17 14:10:46 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Destrux' laughter echoed through the soul of Sakura Kinomoto as she stood, frozen in fear as the villain took aim at the helpless Arcademan and Parrillusia.

"I' scared. I have to help my friends but...heaven help me...I can't...I must..." Sakura's thoughts were running amuck as she closed her eyes and tried to try and get rid of this feeling and help out but will it be too late?

"Give my regards to the Angel of Death, Arcademan!!!" As Destrux pointed his weapon to fire, a bolt of lightning came from behind him and struck him full force in the back. Sakura looked to see where it came from...

Syaoran Li appeared in the Arcademan Universe and used his own mystical powers to strike Destrux with a lightning bolt.

"Sakura!!! Are you all right?!!" yelled the young teen.

"I am now, Syaoran. I'm so very happy to see you!!!" Sakura's emotions were running high now upon seeing her boyfriend.

Destrux looked at his new adversary and then turned his attention back to Arcademan and Parrillusia.

"Sakura!!! I'll keep him busy! Save them!!!" And Syaoran drew his sword and aided by a written charm, shot off another bolt of lightning at Destrux.

A sense of confidence courses through Sakura as she no longer harbors any fears within her soul. Her first duty is to help and protect her friends as she draws out a card and strikes it with her staff.

"Card that was created by the stars, do not yield...
Protect my friends with all your might...SHIELD!!!"

A powerful shield surrounded Arcademan and Parrillusia. Destrux yells out in frustration and begins to pound the shield with all of his powers in a vain attempt to break through. While this occurs, Sakura runs over and gives Syaoran a big hug.

"Syaoran!!! It's time to finish this once and for all. Are you with me?!!"

Li turned to Sakura. "Let's do it!!! I'm ready!"

Sakura grabs two cards and tosses them into the air. Syaoran notices which ones they are and expresses his concern.

"Sakura! That's the TIME and POWER cards! They take the most energy from you individually but to use both at the same time?!!"

"I can do it!!! Everything will be all right!" said Sakura with a smile and raised her staff and struck the first card...


A spirit of an old man holding an hourglass appears and turns the hourglass upside down. Everywhere, time begins to slow down, then to a complete stop, leaving Destrux frozen in time. Being a relative of Clow, Syaoran was immune to its effect, as were Arcademan and Parrillusia as they were sheltered by the shield Sakura raised earlier. At the snap of her fingers, the shield disappeared. Then she struck the next card with her staff...

"This is our finest hour...
Give my friends thy much needed POWER!!!"

Arcademan stood up from the ground, his eyes and fists glowing with intense power. Parrillusia floated up into the air, sparks of lightning emulating from her body.

Sakura turned to Syaoran. "Let's go!!!" As the two ran toward the still-frozen Destrux, Sakura made one more transformation...


Her star staff transforms into a sword of unimaginable power as Syaoran draws his sword as well.

"SLASH!!!" "SLASH!!!"

Both of their swords strike the front of the armor of Destrux and rip a gash across his chest. Destrux begins to scream in pain in slow-motion as the effects of stop-time begins to fade. Arcademan flies up to the front of Destrux and at point-blank range aims...


Destrux is blasted back as chunks of armor fly away from him. Before the archmage could fall to the ground, Parrillusia begins her most powerful transformation...


Parrillusia's body turns into a living lightning bolt as she takes aim at the still-flaming body of Destrux and lets loose a force equal to over one hundred atomic bombs.


A loud explosion rocks the entire neighborhood as Destrux lays in a molten heap of twisted armor on the ground as the four heroes stand in front of what's left of Destrux. As he tried to stuggle to get up, Destrux heard the voice of Lord Pyrogod in his mind.

"Destrux! This is your lord and master. Our cause is now lost. As I speak, the protective barrier around Fairyland has been breached by the Arcade Brigade and now the heroes approach. It's time to leave the mortal plane and return to the Dark Dimension."

The twisted metallic body of Destrux goes limp as his energies are recalled back to the Dark Dimension.

Syaoran looked at the armor. "Is he truly dead, Arcademan?"

Parrillusia waved her hand around the armor. "There is no presence of his energy within it."

"Destrux is made of energy. My guess is that he abandoned his armor and returned to his master Lord Pyrogod. It will take him months to rebuild a new one. The threat is over!" said a relieved Arcademan.

Sakura jumped up into the air and cheered "Alright!!! We did it!!!"

Suddenly, a portal opened up in front of the heroes. Sakura hides behind Arcademan.

"Is he coming back? HOEEEE!!!"

Arcademan smiled at the young Cardcaptor. "No! It's my friends. They are returning home from their mission. Now it is truly over!"
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