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Arcademan: In the Cards...
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 5: Chapitre V
(by Arcademan, added on 2005-07-17 13:20:22 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

As Sakura Kinomoto slept peacefully on the couch inside the Arcade
Brigade headquarters, Arcademan couldn't help but replay what she had
told him she had a dream of Parrillusia and himself
being struck down and killed by Destrux, a supreme Being of Darkness
and sworn enemy of the heroes. The Cardcaptor's presence disturbed
him greatly since she had not known let alone met Destrux yet earlier
in the evening that's who both Arcademan and Parrillusia were

"So many few answers, PixieP?" said Arcademan to his
closest and dearest friend.

Parrillusia answered back. "Truth to be told...I'm almost afraid to
find out some of those answers, Arcademan." Both peaked into the main
room from the meeting room to see the young teenager fast asleep.

"The poor girl's exhausted however I suspect you had something to do
with it, Parrillusia?"

"A sleeping spell to help her rest. Her magicks need recharging as
her powers and abilities are extremely high. So...what is the source
of her powers, Arcademan?"

"A magician of great power in her Earth's past named Clow Reed. Born
of both English and Chinese descent, he used both ancient eastern and
western magicks to create the cards to seal elemental forces, then
bound them within the Book of Clow, foretelling that 'If the seal is
broken, disaster will befall the world!' She unwittingly broke the
seal and released the cards' powers. Eventually she captured all 52
cards and became the new mistress of the cards." Arcademan finished
his story.

"That's the magicks I feel within her soul. Amazing indeed." said

Arcademan headed towards the back door. "PixieP, I have a favor to
ask of you. Please stay with Sakura here for the evening. I need to
investigate a theory and since it has to do with the Beings of
Darkness, I must go alone."

"I understand, Arcademan...and good luck." answered back the pixie.

"I knew you would. You, more than anyone else I trust in this world."
On that note, Arcademan flies off into the evening sky. As
Parrillusia closed the door behind her after seeing Arcademan off,
neither one seeing a shadowy figure lurking outside of the Arcade
Brigade headquarters...

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