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Arcademan: In the Cards...
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 7: Chapitre VII
(by Arcademan, added on 2005-07-17 13:23:57 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Warning...this chapter contains strong language.

While the archmage Destrux was confronting the two heroines,
Arcademan flew to a secret location known only to him less the world
be unleashed with the forces of darkness. After landing and entering
a cave, he spots a glowing sphere within the dark cave...the nexus
between the real world and The Dark Dimension. Since Arcademan is
originally a Being of Darkness, he has access to it...any others who
attempt to use the nexus would be vaporized on the spot. With a
determined look on his normally emotionless face, Arcademan enters
the nexus.

The Dark Dimension itself is well named...a dimension outside of
normal space where there are no stars in the vegatation on
the icy cold wind constantly howling. Any lesser being
would most likely perish but Arcademan is far more than a normal
being himself. Looking over the far horizon sits a castle...the home
of the Dark Dimension's ruler Lord Pyrogod!

Reaching the front doors of the castle, Arcademan swings the doors
wide open. Two shadow creatures go towards him in attack mode however
two flashes of heat vision instantly vaporize the two as Arcademan
continues walking to the throne room. Sitting on top of the
throne...the supreme Being of Darkness...the ruler Lord Pyrogod

"What brings you to the Dark Dimension, Arcademan?" Lord Pyrogod's
voice seemed to resonate throughout the castle...his voice as cold
and dark as the very dimension itself.

"I've come to find out why you have chosen to break the non-
aggressive pact between your dimension and Earth?" asked Arcademan.

Pyrogod answers back. "I have not broken the pact. As you can see...I
am still here. I cannot control the actions of Destrux or any of my
followers though deep down I really cannot condone it either."

"Damn you! You're up to something and I intend to find out what!!!"
Arcademan was becoming visibly irate.

Pyrogod stands up from his throne and walks to Arcademan. "True, the
pact between us prevents me to directly attack Earth. Though I am a
Being of Darkness, I am also a being of word is my bond.
However, there is nothing in the pact that prevents me from launching
an attack somewhere else."

Suddenly, Arcademan got a very uneasy feeling.

"You bastard!!! Your minions are the ones attacking
Fairyland!!!" he shouted. "That's where all the heroes of the Arcade
Brigade are at...defending the faeries from your armies."

Pyrogod simply looks up. "Like I said, I have no control over the
actions of Destrux but if he just happened to launch an attack on
Earth while all of the heroes are pre-occupied...well, I would be
more worried about what he's going to do next instead of arguing the
point with me, Arcademan."

A realization hit Arcademan like a ton of bricks...

"Parrillusia!!! Sakura!!!" Arcademan turned from Pyrogod and headed
out of the castle but not before saying one final thing to the dark

"Trust me on this, Lord Pyrogod...this isn't over...not by a long

The last thing Arcademan heard was the chilling laugh of Lord Pyrogod
echoing throughout the entire Dark Dimension itself.
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