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The Nameless Country
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Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Themed Story
Chapter 10: (Epilogue) The Country of Naemess
(by Hayama, added on 2005-10-15 11:25:45 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Syaoran opened his eyes. He had to admit he was a little surprised by what he saw. It seemed that they had not left the Merowa’s world. The travelers now stood in the same grass field surrounded by the same twisted rocks. Only… the rocks weren’t so sharp, they seemed worn. There was a forest too… only it seemed much closer than before and it seemed to grow towards them from all sides.

“This place seems quite like the one we just left…” Fai observed aloud.

“Hello, strangers!” came a pleasant voice from behind them.

The traveling companions turned to see a creature that looked very much like a young Merowa. It had the same feline face, dark fur and twiching ears, but its claws were filed down and it wore a green tunic.

“My name is Sayo!” the creature explained. He laughed nervously. “You aren’t ghosts, are you?”

“No no!” Syaoran shook his head. “Why would we be ghosts?”

“You look like… ah, well, never mind. What brings such strangers like you here?”

“We’re looking for something,” Syaoran said carefully.

“A feather! A feather!” Mokona cried, jumping up and down. “That’s what we need!” So much for being subtle.

The feline creature made a face. “There’s something I want you to see then.”


Before the travelers knew it, they had arrived at a quaint little village of little wooden houses. The creatures were busy all over the place working or playing.

Sayo led the travelers past the village and to the edge of the forest where a large, flat slab of stone stood. The shape and placement suggested it had been somehow broken off from one of the larger stone spires in the field and dragged to that spot. As Syaoran and the others got closer, they could see that the stone was carved with a mural, and they gasped when they saw what it was a mural of.

A very detailed scene of Syaoran, Fai and Kurogane holding their Merowa-carved weapons was on one part of the stone. On the other part was the image of Sakura holding her feather. Between the two pictures, strange symbols were carved in neat rows.

“It reads,” Sayo began, “In honor of the brave warriors and the stong-souled princess who prevented the rebirth of war between Merowa. We owe our peace to these ancient travelers.”

“Ancient?” Kurogane whispered.

Syaoran ran his fingers over the inscription. “How long ago was this made?”

Sayo shrugged. “The mural is as ancient as the legend. It’s said that the words were added long after the pictures because we Merowa couldn’t always write, but the story was passed down orally, using the pictures as a guide.”

“Are there any feathers left here or did any new ones come?” Syaoran asked.

Sayo shook his head. “Not that I’ve ever heard of.”

Mokona nodded. “Mokona does not sense anything.”

Kurogane sighed. “Then let’s go.”

“Yeah,” Syaoran agreed.

“Wait!” Sayo cried. “You’re them, aren’t you? The people from the mural… I mean… you have to be them.”

Syaoran smiled sadly. “We probably are, but our quest still isn’t finished.”

Sayo nodded. “Well, good luck! Oh! And please never forget the Merowa and the country of Naemess!”

“We won’t!” Sakura shouted with a smile as Mokona devoured them once more.


Author's Note: “Naemess” is sounds like ‘nameless’ doesn’t it? Over time, words change and the ancient King heard Syaoran say that it was a Nameless Country so it eventually became the country of Naemess. Anyway, the travelers have left the Merowa behind for good. Story over!
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