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The Nameless Country
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Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Themed Story
Chapter 7: Communication
(by Hayama, added on 2005-10-15 11:08:35 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Author's Note: Shounen-ai fluff warning! This chapter contains a Kurogane/Fai romantic situation. If you don’t like that kind of thing… sorry, but that’s how it goes. Don’t read then.


Fai had fallen quiet again. Despite Kurogane’s promises that they would go find the children soon, Fai still felt worried… and guilty.

Fai now had Kurogane to protect him. The ninja had made that clear. Fai had to admit, he felt safer at Kurogane’s side than anywhere else. Kurogane had already saved the wizard countless times. Yet Fai had to wonder, who was going to protect Kurogane? Certainly Fai would be happy to, but he was so useless… he hadn’t even protected Sakura. This journey had cost Fai so much… The trip to see the Space-Time Witch had been expensive… The price of being able to travel had stripped Fai of his beautiful markings… He didn't dare use magic now… Fai had never felt so useless. It hadn’t bothered him before, but now that his weakness had put a sweet, innocent child in danger, Fai didn’t really feel worthy of protecting anyone.

Then who was going to protect Kurogane?

“I will…” Fai whispered. “Even if I don't have the ability to protect anyone, I’d rather die than do nothing.”

“なに?” Kurogane asked, looking up from his place crouched beside the fire. *(nani = what)

Fai didn’t understand him. “đġǽΨή?” (what?)

The two travelers instantly exchanged horrified glances. They were too far from Mokona to understand each other. It had already happened to Fai once that day, when Syaoran and Kurogane where scouting the forest, but it had been okay because Fai and Sakura were occupied with separate tasks.

Fai sighed. It shouldn’t bother him now either since he was in a rare, quiet mood anyway. Kurogane, on the other hand, did not like it when the pork-bun caused him problems, even when it was absent.

“Kuso! Kuso! Kuso!” he muttered through clenched teeth.

Fai simply threw his hands up and shrugged. No use for the ninja to be so angry. Then the idea struck Fai… He could have FUN with this…

“Kuro-pan?” Fai purred. “Do you know what I think of you?”

Kurogane ignored Fai’s gibberish ranting and kneeled down in front of him. With a smirk Kurogane shoved a plate into Fai’s hands.

Fai looked at the plate. A large slab of cooked deer meat sat there. So that’s what Kurogane had been up to… But… but… Fai wasn’t hungry! Fai set the plate aside, ready to continue teasing Kurogane.

“Eat it you idiot!” Kurogane snapped. Fai needed to get his strength back and he hadn’t eaten all day. Kurogane sighed and took the plate back. He cut a small piece off and stuck it with a fork. Just as Fai opened his mouth to spew more annoying jokes, Kurogane shoved the meat inside.

Fai blinked.

“Eat it, dammit!” Kurogane shouted as he removed the fork.

Fai chewed and swallowed. It was actually quite good and, taking the hint, Fai took up the plate once more and started eating. Kurogane smiled, satisfied that the magician was cooperating for once.

Once Fai finished his plate, it was back to fun and games. “I think your clothes are stupid,” Fai giggled. “All dark and metal. You’re no fun to hug when you have that armor on. I’m glad you took it off earlier, Kuro-yam.”

“Stop babbling!” Kurogane growled back. “I can’t understand a word!” He had to admit he almost liked it when he couldn’t understand Fai’s words. That meant he couldn’t be fooled by Fai’s cheery speech. Without deceptive words, one look into Fai’s blue eyes was all Kurogane needed to understand what his companion was really feeling. He sighed and leaned closer to Fai, slipping his hand under the sorcerer’s bangs.

Fai froze. “I’m fine…” he whispered.

“Your fever’s down…” Kurogane obsereved.

“Why do you worry about me like this, Kuro-tan?”

“Why won’t you let me worry about you, you idiot?”

“Why do you care about me?”

“Why don’t you care about yourself?”

“Why?” Although they didn’t realize it, both of them had asked the same question at the same moment.

Fai sighed and leaned into Kurogane. Kurogane was a little surprised, but he took advantage of the moment and wrapped his arms gently around the mage. Fai leaned in even more, so that his head rested under Kurogane’s chin. He wrapped his arms around Kurogane’s waist. Kurogane pulled Fai closer so that the mage was practically sitting in his lap.

“Can we stay like this? Kurogane?” Fai whispered.

Kurogane was a little surprised. Fai had used his real name again, that much Kurogane understood. “Fai…”

“Do you know what?” Fai asked.

Kurogane didn’t answer right away. He was surprised again because he had actually understood what Fai said. Mokona must have gotten closer… Kurogane was about to ask reply ‘what?’ when he realized something. If Fai didn’t know that Mokona was suddenly back in range…

“Kurogane…” Fai whispered. “I love you.”

The ninja smiled. “I love you too.”

Fai jumped but Kurogane held him too close for him to go anywhere. “W-we can understand each other again?”

“I suppose so.”

“When...? Did you…?” Fai probably would have continued this incoherent interrogation but Kurogane backed away a little. He moved just enough to lean down and quiet Fai with a kiss.

“Don’t think about it,” Kurogane ordered.

“Mm,” Fai agreed. He shifted himself so he was closer to Kurogane again. “Can we stay like this?” he whispered again. This time Kurogane could understand him.

“Yes,” the ninja replied.


When Mokona finally arrived, a sight he had never seen met his eyes. Kurogane and Fai were actually close together! They had moved a little since earlier, though. Now Kurogane sat with his back against the strange rock spire, facing the fire, asleep. Fai was curled up in the ninja’s arms but was very much awake.

“Mokona has brought a friend!” the marshmallow squealed.

Fai looked up to see who the ‘friend’ was and he froze. Mokona was riding a Merowa warrior. The cat-creature stood up and Mokona jumped down.

“Fai looks scared!” Mokona teased. “Why are you afraid?”

Kurogane stirred. “Is that the manju-bun I hear?” He opened his eyes. The Merowa was looking at him curiously with its glowing golden eyes. The creature blinked and then looked away, bored. It gave a yawn and Kurogane saw its two huge fangs.

“Fai… is that?” Kurogane didn’t need an answer, the look in his companion’s eyes said enough. He stood up, ready to fight.

“Oh no!” Mokona shrieked. “Kurogane is angry! Angry!”

“You’re right I’m angry! That’s one of the bastards that attacked Fai!”

Mokona looked at the Merowa and then back at Kurogane. “He’s a friend now!” Mokona explained. “They didn’t mean to hurt Fai, just to make him sleep.”

Fai ran his hand over the fang marks on his arm. “A sleeping potion in their fangs?” It made sense… “Wait, Kurogane.” Fai stood up and set his hand on the angry ninja’s arm. “Mokona, where are Sakura and Syaoran?”

“With the kitty-monster king!” Mokona chirped happily. “They are making a plan to get Sakura’s feather back!”

“Then they aren’t our enemies?” Fai asked.

“Nope nope nope!” Mokona assured him. “Syaoran says you two should bring the stuff back with me! We have to fight the OTHER kitty-monsters to get the feather back!”

Kurogane sighed, relaxing a little. “You up for this?” he asked Fai.

Fai smiled. “As long as I have you with me, Kuro-rin!”

“Yeah,” Kurogane said with a smile.

“Kurogane is being nice!” Mokona shrieked, dancing in circles.
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