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Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Themed Story
Chapter 5: Caught You!
(by Ying Hua, added on 2006-07-17 19:57:30 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Disclaimer: Tsubasa rulez! Too bad it wasn’t my idea ( =


Chap. 5 Caught You


For the past hour, Fye, Kurogane and Mokona had bid their time sitting dully in the kitchen, waiting for our 15-year-old couple to come home with the groceries.

Fye sat there humming tunelessly and drumming his fingers on the table.

Mokona was singing a song which was unfamiliar to its companions.

And Kurogane, Kurogane was just being his usual impatient self. “Where the hell are those kids?” he was muttering.

Then, all of a sudden, something unexpected in such a dull day happened. The door slid open and there stood Sakura, panting, apparently exhausted.

“Fye-san! Kurogane-san!”

“Ah! Sakura-chan! Okaeri nasai! Where’s Syaoran-kun?” There was something in Fye’s voice that made Kurogane even more suspicious than he was earlier that day.

“Syaoran-kun – won’t – stop – chasing me –“ she managed to say in between gasps for breath.

As if on cue, the back door opened and by the doorway stood Syaoran. One look at him told Fye all that he needed to know: that his plan was working.

“Sakura-hime! Why are you running away from me, my beloved princess?”

Sakura let out a terrified scream, then hurried out the door to the hallway and up the stairs, most probably to hide in her room. Syaoran hurried after, with that wild look in his eyes. He somersaulted above the table landing by the doorway.

Fye, Kurogane and Mokona were left in the kitchen. Kurogane turned to Fye, giving him his most suspicious look yet.

“You caused this, didn’t you.” It was not a question. “You’d better set this right, or else that princess might faint because of that kid.” With that he stood up and walked out through the back door.

Fye gave Mokona a smile. Mokona tilted its head and smiled at Fye. “Fye planned it all, ne?”

“Sou ne. Fai planned it all,” Fye replied, smiling at Mokona.


Sakura got to her room, she hurried in, closed the door and was about to lock it when Syaoran burst in.

“Sakura-hime! Please listen to me… Please stop running away from me.” He approached her slowly, as if afraid that she might start running again.

Sakura didn’t move. She thought about it carefully. Why was she running away anyway? Wasn’t she happy knowing that Syaoran really did have feelings for her? Somehow she felt afraid… It almost seemed at if this Syaoran was different, he just wasn’t the Syaoran that she had come to know. But still, he was pleading, so she thought she ought to give him a chance.

She stepped up boldly and said, “Alright, I’m not running away.”

Syaoran suddenly smiled as if there was nothing that would make him happier. He stepped up to his princess and hugged her, tighter than he had ever done before. Yes, tighter than he had done the previous times that same afternoon.

Sakura found herself blushing again, it felt as if this certain hug was genuine, special unlike all the others. What she didn’t know, was what was coming for her.


Ha! Cliffhanger! If thaz what you can call it. --“ Ah, never mind. R+R people!

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