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April 02 2005, 05:55 PM
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Jealousy Card/Heart of a little Wolf
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 2: Classroom Trouble
(by Xiao-lang, added on 2006-07-14 04:32:50 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

“Sorry we’re late!” Sakura cried, sliding open the heavy classroom door. The room was quiet; everyone with their heads in their books, only a few whispers flittered between the students. At the sound of their entrance, twenty pairs of eyes turned to look at Sakura and the Chinese teen at her side. Two of those eyes belonged to Sakura’s beautiful friend Daidouji Tomoyo. They shone an even deeper violet as she saw Sakura. She beamed with a perfect smile.
“Sakura-chan!” she cried happily, her face lighting up “good morning!” She spotted Syaoran and gave him a welcoming nod. “Morning Li-kun”
“Good morning” They replied in unison. Sakura laughed nervously “where’s Terada sensei?” They entered the room with light steps.
Tomoyo pointed to the blackboard. It read: ‘Terada sensei will be late today. Please turn to page 27 and continue with the exercises’
Sakura sighed with relief, taking her seat in the quiet classroom. Syaoran sat behind her, opening his bag and taking out his books. He kept his eyes on Sakura as she waved to her other friends Rika, Chihiro and Naoko, who whispered their hellos before continuing with their work. Tomoyo stopped her work and leant over towards her best friend.
“How are you Sakura-chan?” she asked. Sakura smiled
“Fine!” she took out her books. Her heart began to stop beating so fast. Back by the wall… Had Syaoran tried to kiss her? She felt her stomach flip, and her cheeks flush.
“I edited some film last night” Tomoyo whispered. Sakura blinked, snapped out of her thoughts.
“Hai” Tomoyo clasped her hands “I found the best music to fit some of your best captures!”
Syaoran watched as Sakura blushed and laughed nervously at the admiration from the beautiful girl beside her. He could hear their words but he wasn’t listening. He just looked on at the girl in front of him. She looked incredibly beautiful today. He shook his head. Since when had he become such a daydreamer? Suddenly he realised the two girls had turned and were looking at him.
“ne Syaoran?” Sakura repeated. Syaoran shook his head. He had no idea what she had been talking about. He blushed.
“Gomen-ne.. I didn’t hear what you said”
Tomoyo giggled lightly, Sakura blinked. Syaoran asked her to repeat what she had said, just as she was about to their teacher slid open the door and entered the room. They greeted him with a chorus of ‘good morning’.

Somewhere, a pair of eyes were watching them closely. She glared at the auburn haired girl, her blood felt like it was boiling. So much attention and love…There she was surrounded by people that cared for her. Her eyes glowed green.

Mr Terada read from a textbook whilst the class listened. It was silent, apart from the scratching of pencils busily writing. Suddenly there was the sound of a pencil snapping. It belonged to a girl with long hair tied neatly behind her in a bow called Mitsuko Katsumoto. She paused for a moment, then suddenly stood, turned and walked towards Sakura. Everyone looked, shocked at the sudden movements. The girl reached out and snatched Sakura’s hair pin from her head. There were gasps at this irrational action.
“What on earth is going on?” Mr Terada cried. Sakura yelped a little as some of her hair was torn out.
“What are you doing Katsumoto-San?” Mr Terada called.
“I’ve always wanted this” Mitsuko spat. She was wielding the sharp pin of the hair ornament like a weapon. A few students nearby gasped at her tone. Tomoyo was wide eyed with shock. She looked on growing increasingly worried.
“Sakura-chan?” she asked, checking on the condition of her friend. Sakura kept her calm, but her senses were on fire.
“Please Mitsko-san…I do not understand” Sakura said. To the horror of the class, Mitsuko lashed out at Sakura with the sharp pin, only to be blocked by Syaoran. Mitsuko had an unusual strength and a strange look in her eyes.
“Stop!” Mr Terada cried “Stop right now!” He slammed a book onto his desk. More frightened gasps from the students. A seemingly possessed Mitsuko hissed at Syaoran, then attempted another slash at Sakura. Syaoran delivered a blow that knocked the pin from her hand. Suddenly she blinked and looked around. She caught the gaze from the Chinese boy, his eyes stern. She was shaking now. She looked so confused.
“How did I get here?” she looked at Sakura, there was no hate now, just puzzlement at Sakura’s frightened look.
Whispers floated across the classroom. Sakura blinked. What was going on? Mitsuko held her stomach and without warning, was sick. There were a few screams, and some students jumped up. Luckily Syaoran jumped back and avoided being covered. Mitsuko cried, as Mr Terada called the nurse.

The woman smiled. It was a shame she hadn’t wounded her pretty little face, or even worse. That boy was just too fast, too protective.
No matter, this was just the start of the strange things that were about to happen to Sakura Kinomoto. She laughed. Envy was oh such a horrible thing.

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