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Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Themed Story
Chapter 1: Prologue
(by Jayjaylemony, added on 2009-02-04 09:52:00 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Disclamer: I do NOT own ANY of the Tsubasa Chronicles. None, as in ZIP, ZERO, NADA. I am putting this up because one of my earlier stories was just reported, and I am very, VERY sad. I do, however, own my character. Thanks for understanding!

Hello, everybody! I have just finished reading the Tsubasa Chronicles, and I thought that it was fantastic! This is the intro for my first Tsubasa story, and I hope that you like it. As you may have been able to tell, this is from a new character's point of view. The story of this is basically the same as in the book, only my character travels along with Syaoran, Kurogane, Sakura, and Fai. There is some relationship between my character and Fai. Read the next chapter when it comes out to find out my character's name!~ Sakura Yakuza(author)

Humans see. They can’t help it. It is the way they are made. There are things they can see, things they are meant to see, like trees and plants and rivers and clouds. But like these, there are things they are not meant to see, things beyond imagination. Few humans have managed to find these things, but when trying to prove it to the rest of the world, were laughed at. Such people do not exist in this world.

On the contrary, there are worlds where these people do live. They are not outcasts in these worlds. These people are accepted, and become one with the crowd. Maybe they are even looked up to. Just by knowing that they can see these things, others know that these people have given up to the forces of nature and magic. They have given up a part of themselves, devoted a portion of their lives to practicing this ability. They have left the rest of the world behind.

But these people are not born with their abilities. Before they are exposed to magic, they are, quite simply, just typical people who lead typical lives. These people have paid attention to the world; have truly seen the world as it is. They know that they are different, and they know it is their duty to protect the magical world.

I am not one of these people.

Who am I?

I am not one who sees the wind. I am the wind. I am not one who sees true color, because I am true color. I am not a human who see things for what they really are, and I have not devoted my life to magic. Why?

Because I am not human.

I am a magical guardian, just like those few humans, but, unlike them I am magical myself. I am not respected, however, when I do meet humans. I am feared by them, shunned by them and beaten by them. I am what many humans know as bad luck, for I can stir up terrible events in a human’s life. I can kill a man’s family by saying one word, make a year’s supply of crops wither and die. I am powerful.

But I don’t want to be.

I have tried my whole life to get respect, to be treated like anyone else, but I am nothing but a bad omen. People see me, and think, She’ll kill me with a snap of her fingers. I would never do anything of the sort. I have murdered people, true, but I was young and foolish, letting my dark powers control the good side of me. I have changed, but I have earned myself a bad reputation. I have tried to do good deeds, to make people realize that I am not as bad as they think I am, but to no avail. And that is why I must leave this power behind; even if it means never seeing my family or the world I love again.

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