Hi! Becster here; co-creator of the Remember Hideki Campaign.
First thing's first.

Cheesecake is subject to availability, and, considering this is the internet, currently there isn't any. In fact, there'll never be any cheesecake. Suckers!
Here's your treat for joining! Basically, we decided that sending threads off topic with people commenting on the sig was a bad idea and - through a flurry of insane plotting and discussion via pm - we decided to bring to you this lovely thread just for the campaign.
As Capella said; this is to remind people of the fact that Hideki is, was and always will be Chi's 'someone just for me'.
Thus this also makes us Anti-FaiChi, and Pro KuroFai/AshuraFai.
So, sit back, feel free to comment on why you like any of our pro-pairings, and why you dislike FaiChi, and enjoy your
non-existant slice of cheesecake! >D
I think I'll post the members in my post as well, so I can update them if Capella's not here.
The members of the campaign are: Capella, Becster, Emiko, Kana-chan, Ashlee, Meowzy, Rekall, SailorYue-chan, Meliwan, dark_persian, Jeannette, Kjesta, Senefen, AkaiYuki, Kuro-puppy, Smile_For_Me, Sanmine Quimmy, Fai, Bra-chan, and unglued.