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First Smile
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Chapter 1: First Smile
(by Okamirei, added on 2005-07-10 14:06:59 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

"Come on Syaoran, we're almost there!" yelled Sakura, tugging me tightly on the arm. We have been climbing for the the last few minutes; onto the top of the castle's peak. Sweat beaded conntinuously down my face. I felt nauseaous... but Sakura's anxiety kept me going. I tried to keep up; she was so fast. She was like a little bird, filled with energy. She always seems so happy, nothing ever got her sad before.

As we finally reached the top, the bright blue sky suddenly turned white. What were they? I looked up, my brown hair wavered with the flutter of the wind. The sound of wings flapping reached my ears. What is this?

"This is my secret spot." explained Sakura, twirling around. "The birds are pure snow white, and when they fly into the air, it's so pretty! The entire sky turns white like the clouds! It's like the whole universe got covered with birds! I wanted to show this to Syaoran, I want to cheer Syaoran up!" She gazed up at the sky, laughing and waving at the birds passing by.

As I heard these words, my heart was filled with a strange feeling. This feeling felt strange, but comfortable. It was as if my sorrow was lifted. It warm. Like Sakura's smile...

I wanted to thank Sakura, but not with just a thank you. I wanted to give her something I had not done before. I looked into her curious, bright green eyes. I lifted my mouth's corners lifted a bit, I whipsered the words "Thank you".

I don't know why, but she suddenly gasped! She thrust her arms into the bird-filled sky, shouting with joy. "Yey! Syaoran smiled! Syaoran smiled!"

I had learned from this day, that the action that I made makes people happy. I have done it a bit more often, when that person sends me the feeling. The feeling that Sakura gave me that one time.

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