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Chii and Chimora
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Chapter 1: Sudden meeting
(by Chinumiko, added on 2006-10-20 16:36:49 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

One day, the group that we have met is now in another world walking through the forest trying to sense a feather, but just couldn't seem to sense anything, until the little bunny like animal, Makona cries out, "I sense something!" Syoaran ran to her and asked, "Is it a feather?" He hoped so much for he wanted to save Sakura, but to his disappointment she shook her head and answered, "I sense a fox like thing." Fye went over to her and asked her, "What fox thing?" Makona looked up at him and then pointed to the sky. When she did, a snow white coccoon came down landing gently on the rground. "This isn't a fox." Growled Kurogane. "It's just a shell." Makona jumped on his head and said, "It maybe, but it's the inside you didn't see yet." Suddenly the shell started to crack . Everyone gasped breathless. Who was it in there? When the crack was so wide opened, a bright light peirced through the skies which made all the friends shade their eyes from the light. It was so bright that they all fell down. Suddenly as if by magic, teh light started to dim away. Sakura shook Syooaran, "Syoaran look." when she said those words, Makona, Kurogane and Fye looked up and saw 2 feet come out. It started to step out more and the more it did, the more panicing the whole group was. Whe the 'thing' stepped out Fye's eyes grew wide. "Chii?" was all he said. The 'thing' stepped out fully and there Chii was standing there waiting for her master to come home. When the group had settled down from their shock of light, Fye walked over to Chii and introduced her to his friends, "My dear friends, this is Chii." Then he turned to Chii and said, "Chii these are my friensd, syoaran,Sakura, Kurogane, and Makona." Wehn he had finished, Chii smiled at them then bowed as if to say, "Hello."
Kurogane asked, "I thought you had to go to Yuko to get down here." Though Kurogane's question was rude, Chii answered in a perfect human tone saying, "I didn't understand what she meant your Sire, so I was allowed to go down here with nothing to pay." Kuraogane was half shocked and half grumpy. "Why can you go down here with no payment, but we gotta go down here with payment?" he was muttering harshly. It wasn't really muttering, but it was more of like a shout. Fye calmed him down by saying, "That's because we understand Yuko and she doesn't." He smiled. "But what brought you down here?" Fye asked her. "I feel my second face call."

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