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Arcademan: In the Cards...
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 19: Chapitre XIX
(by Arcademan, added on 2005-07-17 13:51:04 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

The morning had given way to the afternoon as Arcademan returned to
the hospital where his friend Sakura Kinomoto was after her severe
injuries during their battle against Destrux. As the hero opened the
door to her room, she saw Sakura sitting up, watching television.
Meanwhile. Dr. Ronald Chance was in the corner of the room, reading
the printout on his computer and looking over graph charts.

"Hello, Sakura...Dr. Chance." said Arcademan as he walked over to
Sakura's bed. "How are you feeling today? You had me so scared

"Hi, Arcademan! I'm feeling pretty good actually. Thanks for visiting
me." said the young girl in a cheery tone.

"Arcademan, may I see you for a moment please?" asked Dr. Chance.
Arcademan walked over to the desk where the good doctor kept his
computer and notes.

"Look here!!!" as the doctor shuffled through the piles of paper on
his desk. "Her metabolism is simply amazing!!! Her magicks have
healed her in a fraction of the time of a normal being. Her ribs are
healed...broken arm, once set has mended itself. It'll be sore for a
few days but the break is gone...her cuts and bruises...completely
gone. No signs of scars or trauma!"

Indeed. Arcademan took a quick scan of Sakura's body with his x-ray
vision and confirmed what Dr. Chance just told him.

"Simply remarkable." was the only words Arcademan could say.

"Simple?!! Remarkable?!! Is that all you can say!!!" As Dr. Chance
continued to shuffle through his papers, Arcademan suddenly heard
Sakura yell out...


"What's wrong? Are you in pain?" As Arcademan rushed over to the bed,
Sakura was pointing to the television which was on a cartoon station.

"That...that's ME!!!" squeaked Sakura. Arcademan looked on the screen
to see a commercial for the cartoon series "Cardcaptors." He started
to laugh a bit.

" in my world, you're just that...a animated series and
believe me...not as good as the real thing." and gave the young girl
a wink of the eyes.

"Arcademan, you're so sweet and nice to me."

"Yeah! But don't go blabbing that around. I have a reputation to

A knock on the hospital door and entered Parrillusia.

"Hi, sweetie! Looks like you're healing nicely!" said the pixie as
she gave Sakura a hug. Then she turned to Arcademan.

"Sorry this can't be a social call. Arcademan, Destrux is on his way
back and we have to stop him for good this time."

Arcademan turned to Sakura. "Sorry, duty calls. I brought some
clothes that used to belong to my nieces. They shoud fit you fine.
Also, PixieP managed to repair your uniform. When we take care of
Destrux, I'll find a way to send you back home. Promise."

Sakura started to crawl out of bed. "You guys aren't going without
me! You need my help and you know it." argued the Cardcaptor.

Parrillusia walked up to her. "You'll serve us better if you stay
here and continue your healing." Parrillusia grabbed a potion without
Sakura noticing and sprayed it on her. Sakura slumped over back into
bed asleep.

"I'm so sorry that I had to do that, Miss Kinomoto but this is our
battle. We appreciate your help but to face Destrux is OUR destiny."

Arcademan turned to Dr. Chance. "Keep her sedated. I don't want her
to leave out of here, okay?"

"No worries, Arcademan. Nice potion there, Parrillusia. I'll have to
run some tests on it..."

Parrillusia turned to Arcademan. "He certainly has a one-track mind,
doesn't he?"

"Well, he's the least of our concern. Destrux is!!!" Arcademan was
back in his serious mode again.
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