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Arcademan: In the Cards...
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 18: Chapitre XVIII
(by Arcademan, added on 2005-07-17 13:49:23 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Arcademan flew back to what was left of the arcade Brigade
headquarters, being horribly wrecked by the earlier battle with the
archmage Destrux. As he shifted through the debris, he noticed his
teammate sitting in a corner keeping to herself...Parrillusia.

"PixieP...are you okay?" asked the concerned Arcademan.

"Yes. Just resting and recharging my powers. Sorry about leaving so
soon...seeing Sakura like that was...a tad unsettling for me."

"Understandable." said Arcademan. "I'm kind of surprised on your
reaction though. Since you left the mortal plane and made the Higher
Plane of Existance your home base, I'd noticed your seemingly lack of
humanity towards included."

Parrillusia walked over to Arcademan. "Oh, no! It's not that. It takes
a lot of willpower and power to stay in the plane. I must have total
control of my emotions at all times less the true, destructive power
of my being be released upon the world. I'm so sorry if I made you
and the others uncomfortable."

"No apologies necessary, PixieP. As you know, I try to do likewise in
battle...emotions tend to make for sloppy decisions...however, seeing
the sight of Sakura...and yourself like that...sometimes emotions get
the best of you."

"At least it's good to know not to piss you off, Arcademan. I caught
a glimpse of what you did to Destrux." And the two heroes laughed out
loud...the first time there were smiles in what was a most harrowing

Arcademan then turned to the heroine. "I wonder where Destrux went
and how bad I did manage to hurt him?"

Back in the Dark Dimension, Destrux, in a different suit of armour,
was doing repairs to his original one. There were visible signs of
damage and cracks. Lord Pyrogod appeared in front of the archmage.

"REPORT!!!" demanded the dark lord.

"The heroes damaged me. There was a hidden factor that swayed the
battle in their favor, my lord." Destrux answered back.

"Ah, yes...the otherworld Cardcaptor. I am familiar with Clow Reed's
mystical abilities and they are quite powerful. I wonder how she was
able to find out of our plan?"

"Matters not. I have killed the Cardcaptor and soon my armour will be
at full strength. Your dark barrier around Fairyland remains intact,
keeping the heroes away and I shall strike at Arcademan and
Parrillusia before they can fully recover." mocked Destrux.

"Very good, Destrux. Go do your duty and make haste for as we speak
my dark barrier is starting to collapse. You have twenty-four hours
before it disappears and all the heroes will be able to return. I've
seen that they do not even know of the barrier as our forces of
Darkness continue the battle in Fairyland."

Destrux entered his repaired armour. "All systems are at full it's time to have some fun at Arcademan and Parrillusia's
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