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The Nameless Country
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Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Themed Story
Chapter 2: Attack at Dusk
(by Hayama, added on 2005-10-15 09:35:16 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Sakura gazed off at the forest and sighed.

“Ah? What’s wrong, Sakura-chan?” Fai asked. He was carrying a bundle of scrubby sticks he had found amongst the grass. He dropped them at his feet and stretched. “There’s no need to worry! Now we have firewood too cook whatever Kuro-wheet brings us to eat!”

“They’re taking an awful long time,” Sakura whispered. “Aren’t you worried, Fai-san?”

Fai looked out at the forest. The sun had begun to set and it was growing darker by the minute. There was an unsettled feeling in his stomach but he turned to Sakura and smiled. “You know those two! Our doggies are very enthusiastic about this kind of thing. I’m sure they’ll be back as soon as they see it’s getting dark. They can’t be too far away because we can still understand each other!”

“I hope so…” Sakura sighed.

Fai patted her on the head. “Don’t worry.”

He started to walk out into the field to look for more sticks, Sakura following behind him. Suddenly a dark shape silhouetted against the setting sun caught his eye. “Sakura…” he said. “I want you to stay back.”


Fai’s usually sing-song voice was suddenly icy cold and serious. “You heard me.”

As Sakura backed away towards their small camp, she could see large dark shapes gathering about a hundred yards from them. “Fai-san…”

One of the silhouettes gave a low growl and they all began to charge. Sakura’s green eyes went wide with fear and she ran to the large rock tower beside the camp. She found a small gap in the rocks and crawled inside, hugging her knees. She felt horrible. There was nothing she could do to help. Why couldn’t she help? The others were always protecting her. Even now…

Fai glanced back at Sakura, relieved that she had found a safe place to hide. His fake smirk returned as he stood to meet the approaching creatures.

They were had cat-like faces and were covered in dark, shaggy fur. Fai had seen them standing up before but now they were running on all fours. They charged forward and the closest one lunged at Fai, teeth barred.

Fai dodged. Another one lunged and Fai kicked it in the chest. It landed with a yowl and turned to attack again. Fai really wished he had a weapon. He did have darts in his cloak but he had taken it off because it had been so hot. It wasn’t that the creatures were bigger or stronger than him, though. Each one was about the size of Sakura, but fast and still unhumanly strong. Fai could have easily beaten one, but right now he was desperately outnumbered. He dodged most of them as best as he could and kept others at bay with kicks. Despite his efforts, Fai was already covered in scratches.

Suddenly two of the creatures lunged at once. Fai side-stepped one but the other sunk its fangs deep into his arm. The bite when right though his long black gloves. Fai tried to shake the creature but it clung tightly.

When the creature did fly off, it was of its own accord. It leapt back with a satisfied growl. All the other creatures backed off.

Fai wondered at this as he looked into the yellow eyes all around him. None of the creatures were attacking. Why?

Fai blinked.

Was it just him or were their more eyes than before?

He blinked again but his vision didn’t clear. “Wha..?” he whispered. His vision blurred to darkness and he felt his knees buckle. Fai was unconscious before he even hit the ground.

Sakura was squeezing her eyes shut, trembling. Something about those dark silhouettes… she was scared.

Suddenly she felt five claws wrap around her wrist. Her eyes snapped open and met with a pair of huge yellow ones. She would have screamed but another clawed hand covered her mouth. They dragged her out of her hiding place and past Fai’s unmoving body.

“Fai-san!” she thought. She struggled harder but she was no match for one of those creature let alone several.

“Syaoran-kun… help me,” she prayed as the creatures continued to drag her away.
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