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The Nameless Country
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Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Themed Story
Chapter 3: Upon Arrival
(by Hayama, added on 2005-10-15 09:39:13 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Kurogane was getting real sick of the view. Ever since he and Syaoran had left the forest all he could see was grass, grass, grass. Well, he saw grass and that stupid white bun-critter jumping up and down in front of him, leading the way back to camp. Kurogane heaved a sigh and adjusted the loads on his shoulder. Slung over one shoulder was a small, freshly killed deer-like animal. On the other he balanced a section of a log.

His burdens were, of course, very necessary or he wouldn’t have bothered to carry them. He and Syaoran had seen no signs of civilization at all. No inn to stay at. No kind stranger. No gambling for Sakura’s miraculous luck to win them money or food or anything. Situations like this called for some old-fashioned hunting.

Kurogane was somewhat pissed off about the layout of this place. On the one hand, their merry band of travelers needed a water source… the river. On the other hand, they needed real fire wood and food… the forest. As luck would have it, the two were pretty damn far apart. So, Kurogane (and Syaoran) were carrying wood.

It was just past sunset when the bouncing white bun stopped. “Mokona has led the way!” it declared proudly.

Kurogane snorted. Led the way his ass! As soon as he and Syaoran had reached the forest, Mokona declared that the magic presence that might be a feather had moved. All day they chased the stupid marshmallow around, but did they find a feather? No! Kurogane didn’t know what was more annoying, that fluff ball or the air-head magician.

“Fai…” Kurogane thought, “I wonder what he’s been doing all day.” Deep down, Kurogane knew that as much as Fai annoyed him with all the pet names and fake whistling, he cared about his blonde friend.

“Sakura-hime!” Syaoran called suddenly, breaking Kurogane’s thoughts.

“Sakura-hime!” Syaoran called again, more desperately this time.

Kurogane set his burdens down and looked around the camp. Fai had managed a make-shift tent and had gathered some crappy looking firewood. Sakura had gathered heaps of soft grass for them to sleep on. Their cloaks lay amongst their bags, forgotten in the summery weather.

All that was missing was Sakura and…


Kurogane instantly turned to the direction of Syaoran’s voice. He ran towards the boy, dreading whatever sight could be awaiting him.

He was right to be afraid. Fai lay still and pale on the ground. His clothes were torn in several places by claw marks and the grass around him was matted and tangled. There had been a fight.

“Fai-san,” Syaoran said, shaking the magician gently. Fai didn’t move. Syaoran looked up at Kurogane. “He’s really cold.”

“Damn,” Kurogane muttered.

“If Fai-san was attacked…” Syaoran whispered, “where’s Sakura?”

“Hurry!” Mokona suddenly chimed in. “There’s a path in the grass!”

Sure enough, when Syaoran and Kurogane looked, there was a trail of matted grass leading away from the camp site as if something had been dragged… Or someone.


“Go find her!” Kurogane snapped.

Syaoran nodded tentatively. “Hai… but Fai-san…”

“I’ll take care of blondie!” Kurogane growled. “Go find your princess!” As the words left his mouth Kurogane suddenly found himself wondering what he would do if HIS princess was missing like this. “Take the white thing and go!”

“Mokona is NOT a white thing!” The talking bun cried.


“Do you want the same thing to happen to her?”

That seemed to hit home for Syaoran. He shook his head. “Thank you…” he whispered as he scooped Mokona up and began running along the matted grass path.

Kurogane watched him go but quickly turned his attention to his fallen companion. “Fai…” he whispered.
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