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Unrequited Love
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 6: Chapter Six
(by Angelic-Essence, added on 2005-07-09 02:13:24 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Unrequited Love


-Sakura's house-

Touya watched as the two young men shifted uncomfortable in their seats while waiting for him to speak.

"So... what do you two think of my sister?" he asked calmy taking a seat across from them with crossed arms.

"Um... not sure what you're trying to ask...," Syaoran said with slight confusion.

"I believe I asked a very simple question. 'What do you think of my sister'? A friend, more than a friend, what?"

"Well, she's just a friend, that we know," Eriol replied politely.

"Uh huh. And what about you gaki?" Touya asked eyeing the young man who stared back with slight annoyance on his face at the name 'gaki'.

"Same as Eriol. She's just a friend," he replied.

"You know, I always seem to get a weird feeling about you whenever you come over to see my sister. And I call it instinct that you just lied."

-Upstairs, Sakura's room-

"Painkillers?" Meiling whisptered in slight shock. Tomoyo nodded. "What would she need those for?"

"I don't know...," she sighed sitting on Sakura's bed. "But it's not a good thing, now is it?"

Meanwhile, Sakura silently prayed they didn't suspect anything. 'Oh who am I kidding,' she frowned. 'Life isn't that rewarding..." she sighed and put the package back behind the mirror but takes a small bottle putting it into her pocket and exited the room to face Tomoyo and Meiling.

"Well, uh, we should get going?" she said nervously with a cheesy smile.

Meiling was about to say something until Tomoyo put her hand over her mouth. "Yeah! I'm sure the guys are really nervous with only your brother down there."

Sakura then looked at the door. "Oh man."


"I have no reason to lie to you," Syaoran said. "She is a friend."

Touya glared for a moment. "You really should be more observant of others around you... I've seen the way you act around my sister. Like the other day you and your friends came over."

Syaoran didn't say anything. 'Am I really that obvious?' he thought with a sigh.

Suddenly, footsteps are heard from the direction of teh stairs as the girls came down. Sakura then glared at her brother.

"You didn't do anything did you?" she asked.

He shrugged and then got up from his seat to teh kitchen. "Just a 'friendly' conversation. It's not illegal, is it?" he said dully.

SHe stuck out her tongue childishly at his back and turned to her friends. "Really, did he do anything stupid?"

"Nothing that we couldn't handle," Syaoran replied with a smile. Eriol nodded.

"Well then! Let's get out of here and to the food court at the mall!" Tomoyo cheered and dragged all of them towards the door.

"Remember! Be home by seven!" Touya called after which no reply came but a slamming of the front door. He sighed. "She'll scold me later for this anyway."

-The Mall, food court-

"So, what do we get?" Sakura asked as they walked around.

"I call pizza!" Syaoran shouted first.

"Me too," Eriol said.

"Me three!" Meiling said cheerfully. "I'm hungry so c'mon!"

"Alright!" Tomoyo called after when they reacherd the pizzeria.

What d'ya kids want?" the guy at the counter said.

"A medium sized pizza with exrta cheese and pepperoni," Syaoran said and turned to teh others. "Just find a seat. I'll bring it over."

"And I'll go get teh drinks," Eriol said.

They nodded and the girls headed closer to the front of the place taking their seats.

Sakura blinked several times and then left her eyes closed for a moment. Her head had begun to slightly throb.

"Sakura, you alright?" Tomoyo asked. She looked up to find Meiling also looking slightly annoyed but concerned.

"I'm okay. Just a little headache," she said with a smile. She then got up from her seat and faced Syaoran who was carrying teh pizza.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just need to use the bathroom," she said and walked past him. He then placed teh food in front of them and Eriol placed down teh drinks.

"Did we miss something?" Eriol asked sitting down.

"Nothing. She just wanted to use teh bathroom, didn't she say that?"

"Uh, okay...," Syaoran said uncertainly and confused. Then Tomoyo got up from her seat.

"I'll be right back," she said and hurriedly scurried off to follow Sakura. The guys turned to Meiling who just shrugged already finishing her first slice of pizza. THen it was her turn to get up and leave.

"Okay, Now I KNOW i missed something," Syaoran sighed.

-In the bathroom-

Sakura sighed looking at the slightly blurred image of herself in the mirror of the bathroom holding her head. The door then opened to reveal Tomoyo and quickly followed by Meiling.


"Sakura, I think we need to.. talk for a second," she said hesitantly.

'I saw this coming... I won't lie to them,' she thought with a sigh. "Sure, what's up?"

Meiling coughed for the attention. "What's with the painkillers that were in your room?"

Sakura nlicked slowly turning back to the mirror and pulled out the small bottle she brought with her. "You mean this right?"

They both nodded in the mirror's reflection.

"It's for my headaches that I get from time to time."

"Like just now?" Tomoyo asked.


"Is it that much enough for a painkiller?" Meiling asked alightly bewildered. "You can take something else for that."

"No I can't. THese aren't normal headaches I get from time to time," she sighed.

They stared at her waiting for an explanation. "Well?"

"I...," she hesitated for a moment. She distinctively remembered her brother telling her not to tell anyone. But she couldn't lie to her only friends, now could she?

"I have a brain tumor."

-The Guys-

Syaoran then knocked over his can of soda, spilling it over the napkins. "Crap," he sighed he grabbed some dry tissues and started wiping.

"What's up with you? You've been a bit klutzy since we got here," Eriol asked as he helped.

"Just thinking, I guess," he muttered setting everything back to normal on the table.

"About what Sakura's brother said?"



"DON'T say ANYTHING," he snapped. "I have enough to think about at the moment."

"What? All I did was say 'ah'."

Syaoran sighed rubbing his temples. "Where are those girls? THey didn't even eat... besides Meiling."


The two stared at her with dropped jaws and shocked expressions.

"What?" Sakura stared back.

"What do you mean 'what'? You just said--" Meiling was cut off by Tomoyo.

"How long?"

"well... since birth I guess from what I remember," the girl admitted with a sad face.

"Since birth? THen shouldn't you...," Tomoyo trailed off realizing she would regret what she would say.

"...'be dead' right? Well, I thought that too when my father finally told me... but the medicine that I had been taking were supressing the growth of the cells."

"Oh," was all Meiling said and then looked guilty. "Sorry..."

Sakura smiled. "It's okay. I'm used to it everywhere else I moved to."

"Then what's the change now? It's not working anymore?" Tomoyo asked concerned.

"I don't know. But I don't want to tell Touya about it..."

"You should'nt keep it from him. He's your brother!"

"I know but... I'm going to the doctor for a checkup later anyway," she said with a shrug and dropped a pill into her mouth. "It'll last even a few hours."

Tomoyo then looked at her watch. "Oh, we've been here for 10 minutes already. C'mon, let's go before the guys start complaining."

"Hmph, I bet they're just thinking we're applying makeup or something, the idiots," Meiling snorted. They laughed lightening up teh mood a bit but were halted right when teh door opened to reveal a certain girl with slightl light brown hair and brown eyes.

"You guys?" Naomi said in surprise but glared at Sakura for a moment before flashing them all a smile.

"Oh, 'sup Naomi," Meiling replied. "We were just on our way out."

"Oh, right, say hi to Syaoran and Eriol for me," she called at their retreating backs. Her eyes followed Sakura. 'I will get you... soon.'


"Sorry for the wait!" Sakura called sitting next to Syaoran as the other sat in their respective seats.

"What were you doing? Putting on makeup?" Eriol mused and then got slapped on the arm by Tomoyo.

"We're not like that!" she scolded playfully. They all laughed.

"Well, let's finish eating and leave. I want to go to the arcade," Syaoran said.

"Arcade? What're you, 6?" Sakura asked with a laugh.

"Hey! Arcades are for everyone!" he said drinking a new can of coke.

"Well let's finish up quick--" Meiling hurried and grabbed another slice of pizza.

"You know, I think you're over doing it a bit with.... those past 4 slices," he said, everyone sweatdropped.

"What? I didn't eat breakfast!" she whined. They all laughed.


Naomi takes a seat at a table observing the group with a frown. A smile then crept up on her lips into an evil grin.
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