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Unrequited Love
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Cardcaptor Sakura Themed Story
Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
(by Angelic-Essence, added on 2005-07-09 02:15:02 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

Unrequited Love


-The mall-

Syaoran, Sakura, Tomoyo and Eriol walked out of the pizzeria all laughing at jokes from each other about life and headed over to the arcade area where Syaoran and Eriol split from the girls and went to the game machines.

"Boys...," the three young women thought alike. Meiling then grinned.

"Well, while we're here... who wants to play Motocross with me?" she said with hands on hips.

"Motocross?" Sakura said dumbfounded. "Never really played it."

She and Tomoyo gaped at her with open jaws. "How could you NOT hear about it? It's so fun in arcades!" Tomoyo said taking her hand. "C'mon! We'll show you and we can race!" (a/n: LOL, Meiling I can imagine racing but Tomoyo?? I know, you'd probably think that too :P)

The three walked past the boys which were playing 'Haunted Mansion'. (a/n: ...okay, it just happened to come up in my head so...) So Meiling quickly found a free Motocross machine and quickly jumped on one of the bikes.

"C'mon! Get on and I'll show you how to play!" she urged Sakura who looked unceratinly at teh Player 2 bike. Tomoyo then pushed her on teh seat.

"It won't kill you like the real bikes so try it!" she said.

"Oh, alright, since you guys keep telling me to. I'm just saying I'm not used to it," Sakura sighed putting her hands on the handles.

Meiling grinned determined at the screen and pushed in some coins into the machine. "No worries. I'll go easy on you!"

So they all had some fun. Surprisingly to Meiling as well as shock, Sakura learned real quick and beat her twice.

"How did you do that!?!" Meiling said in awe at the now flashing 'Player 2 Wins' screen. "ou said you didn't know how to play!"

"What? I didn't," Sakura said innocently with a smile on her face. "I guess I just have a great teacher."

Meiling raised and brow and laughed. "Hell yeah!" Tomoyo then interupted.

"My turn! I called winner before," she grinned. Meiling shrugged and got off teh seat and Tomoyo sat comfortablely in the seat. "Hmm..." Once the coins were inserted, on instinct both girls on the bikes zoomed off on the screen.

-The Guys-

Syaoran sighed as he shot the last zombie. The 'Player 1 Wins' screen popped up along with high score. Eriol sighed putting his control down.

"What's up? You really seemed distracted today," he asked turning to Syaoran.

"I don't know. Lately I've really been thinking about what Sakura's brother said. I don't know why it keeps replaying itself in my head!!" he sighed in frustration.

"That's surprising... since when did girl's you knew that had brothers saying things to you have an effect on your brain?" Eriol joked with a laugh.

"It's not that funny..."

"Okay, so what exactly do you think about what Touya said?"

"Well, it got me thinking... do I really think of Sakura as a friend and something more?" he said quietly.

"Well, that's something I can't answer for you. You'll just have to think about it a bit more... and let your actions speak for themselves," Eriol replied. "C'mon, let's go find the girls."

Syaoran nodded and walked with him through the crowd of little kids, thinking. What exactly does he take Sakura for? He hasn't really felt anything like this with other girls before. Not even his own childhood friends and especially NOT Meiling. It was a warm feeling inside his chest. And he always felt nervous around her. But the weirder thing would be because she hasn't been in his life before her arrival.

Before he could think anymore, he and Eriol heard the girls' familiar peels of laughter coming from teh next row of machines. There was a crowd surroudning teh area.

"Hey! Let us through for a second!" Eriol shooed some of teh people off and Syaoran looked over the crowds' heads. What he saw was quite interesting. Sakura was on the Moto bike along with Tomoyo while Meiling watched in amazement as well as teh rest of teh people. And Tomoyo was laughing... and winning.

"Y'know Tomoyo, you can be really surprisingly... scary," Meiling said when the 'Player 1 Wins' screen popped up in front of the raven haired girl. Syaoran laughed as he and Eriol caught up with them.

"Yeah, she beat me in first person shooters before."

"Especially Counter-Strike," Tomoyo added making Sakura laughed harder.

"Hey! I was new when you asked me to play with you that time!!!" Syaoran defended. "You played for a year!!!"

"Aww... how surprising," Sakura said trying to hold in another wave of laughter coming seeing Syaoran pout in annoyance. THey all left the arcade area and were stopped by someone.

"Hey guys! Fancy seeing you here!" Naomi said cheerfully as they met up. Tomoyo and Meiling looked at each other uncomfortablely.

"Yeah, what're you doing here?" Syaoran asked.

"Well, what do girls usually do in malls?" she said playfully. Sakura smiled at her when she looked her way. Eriol noticed she gave a cold glare but it was completely oblivious to Syoaran as they continued to converse.

"Oh! Totally stupid of me. I didn't introduce you. Naomi, this is Sakura, she's new at our school," he said with a gesture.

"Nice to meetcha!" she said shaking hands with Sakura.

"Um, nice to meet you too," she said when she felt a slight pulse in her head. Syaoran looked at her concerned.

"You alright?"

Sakura then smiled at him. "I'm okay."

Naomi then cleared her throat. "Say, would you guys like to come over to my place? Like a little hang out session! I'm home alone to day so..."

Eriol then looked at teh two girls behind him who had similar expressions like his thought.

"Well, sure, if it's alright with them," Syaoran said looking back at the others. Sakura nodded and the rest followed suit.

"Cool! Then let's go!" Naomi said taking Syaoran's arm and dragged him along with everyone else behind her.

-Naomi's Place-

"Are you sure this would be alright?" Tomoyo asked Eriol quietly who frowned slightly as they all sat in Naomi's living room, watching TV with a few snacks. She had gone off into the kitchen to get drinks.

"I don't know. I just don't have a good feeling around that girl..."

Meiling looked puzzled. "Why? Isn't she teh quiet type? That's what I've seen in class. She barely talks to anyone," she shrugged.

"Yeah, but you must be blind not to notice how she looks at Syaoran during classes," Eriol grinned.

-In the kitchen-

Naomi opened the cabinet with a small plastic container with smirk. She takes out two small white tablets and drops it into a cup of tea where it quickly dissolved.

"Hmph, he'll see what kind of person you really are with this...," she grinned as she lifted the tray of tea. She was sure to remember which drink to give Sakura.

-Living Room-

"Sorry for the wait! I'm sure everyone is dying of thirst," she laughed setting the tray down. Each cup was aligned correctly for each person and Sakura happened to take the altered one.

"Thanks! Err, what is it?" Sakura asked.

"It's herbal tea! Soda and that other stuff aren't so healthy like this stuff," she said.

"Oh, how kind of you," Eriol replied with a forced smile and slowly takes a sip as well as Tomoyo. Meiling, well, slightly choked on hers.

"Uhhh, this is kinda bitter...," she muttered quietly with a scowl on her face.

"That's why it's herbal tea, Meiling," Syaoran said drinking his cup. Sakura followed in suit with a smile that everyone was enjoying themselves. She hadn't gotten a chance to take her medication and her head was beginning to act up every 15 minutes.

She drinks have of the cup in one go and Naomi beamed at herself as she took her own drink. Tomoyo unconciously looked around teh room and noticed a weird expression on her face when she looked at Sakura. She shifted uncomfortablely in her seat. Eriol tilted his head with a 'what?' expression on his face.

So they all watched TV, Naomi slowly waiting for the effects of teh drink to appear on Sakura but nothing happened. Syaoran stared blankly at the screen while coming up with a conclusion of his thoughts.

Sakura eyes were beginning to drop and she lifted her arm to look at her watch only to find her eyes widen. "oh no, Touya is going to kill me!" she exclaimed quickly getting up from her seat.

"Huh?" SYaoran said also getting up from his seat following her to the door.

"It's past 7! He's never going to let me out now!" she groaned as she went out the door. The other quickly followed.

"Hey, where--" Naomi was then cut off.

"Sorry, when we gotta go, we go," Meiling said, shutting the dorr behind her leaving Naomi by herself in the room.

"Hmph... maybe I'll finally see the after effects on Monday," she laughed.


"Hey! You don't have to take your brother that seriously at his word do you?" Syaoran called after Sakura who was way ahead of them.

"Yes I do! I never disobeyed him and I don't plan to now!" she called back.

Meiling looked puzzled by her comment. "It's already past 7 so what's the point?"

"Good question," Eriol commented.

Sakura didn't bother hearing what the others were saying. Actually, she was beginning to drop her eyes and pace. The vision was already getting blurred and the pain in her head had begun it's assault.

'What...,' she groaned holding her head. Her body had begun to stiffen and she wasn't quite aware of her surroundings anymore. 'This is worst than before.'

-With the others behind her-

Syaoran stared bewildered at Sakura. She had slowed her movements to a halt right in teh middle of teh road.

"What the hell--" he was cut off when a load honking was heard from a truck. "Son of a--!!!" he sprinted towards the girl.

The other three stared in fear, shock--anything to describe horror and suspense-- as the truck came dangerously near.

"SAKURA!!! WATCH OUT!!!" they all screamed before she slow turned her head at blinding lights...
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