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Syaoran\'s Love
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Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Themed Story
Chapter 4: Heartbreak
(by Akahna, added on 2006-06-23 15:38:05 AEST) [Discussion Topic]

I DON\\\'T OWN TRC! I only own Neirata... who shall soon appear in the novel I\\\'m writing... maybe.

Note: I decided to update earlier. KK? And my version of \\\"BAKA HENTAI!\\\" means \\\"Stupid pervert\\\".

Sakura: *gasp* SYAORAN!
Neirata: *smirk*

Sakura tried to run after Syoaran, but found herseft being pulled being pulled back by Neirata again. By then, she was so full of anger she pulled out of his grip and slpped him, finalizing it with a scream.


Sakura had slapped Neirata with so much power that he was knocked off his feet. As soon as the slap was dealt Sakura began to run to her room. Collapsing onto her bed and crying when she got there, Sakura cried herself to sleep.

The next day at breakfast...

Neirata: Ohayo, Sakura-chan!
Touya: Did something happen last night to bring you two closer or something?

His comment went unnotices as sakura replied.

Sakura: Don\\\'t you DARE call me -chan ever again!

Her voice was so forceful it even made Touya back off. As she walked back to her room Touya spoke up.

Touya: What happened?
Neirata: She kissed me last night and now she\\\'s feeling... shy.
Maid: She kissed YOU?! Pardon me Majesty for my tongue.
Touya: Excused, please continue.
Maid: If I remember correctly, she tried to chase after a boy and YOU forced HER into a kiss. She slapped you so hard that you were knocked off your feet and she called you a \\\"BAKA HENITAI!\\\" if I remember correctly.

Touya gaped open mouthed at this while Neirata was shifting uncomfortably in his chair. Touya looked at Neirata.

Touya: Is this true?
Neirata: Well, it\\\'s not exactly UNtrue...
Touya: I didn\\\'t ask if it was untrue, I asked if it was true.

A long pause passed between the two.

Neirata: Yes.
Touya: Get out.
Neirata: But your majesty...
Touya: I said GET OUT.
Neiyal: but...
Touya: What part of \\\"get out\\\" don\\\'t you understand? Is it the \\\"get\\\" ot the \\\"out\\\" because I sure understand them both!

A silence passes between the two... until Neirata left the room, soon to pack up his stuff.

Maid: Would you like for me to send for Syaoran-san?
Touya: Hai, that would be of great help.

HAHA! ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER! Well, this is goodnight. It\\\'s 13 minutes \\\'til midnight so I\\\'m DEFINITLY headin\\\' to bed. Laterz fellow fanfic fiends! OYASUMINASAI!
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